Toolbox Talks

Safety Meeting Toolbox Topics and Tailgate Talks

Setting A Good Examples

Did you know we have some real heros working right here with us? Every day these folks save lives and prevent countless injuries. Some of them are in here with us today; you may even be one.

Read more: Setting A Good Examples

Preventing Accidents

Statistics show that in many cases the victim, or the victim's co-worker, could have prevented an accident. Think of accidents that happened to people you know. Usually, it was a stupid mistake. Right? In other words, that person or someone else working on the job could have prevented it.

Read more: Preventing Accidents

Off The Job Safety

Off-the-job safety should really be second nature if you practice it in earnest at work. So keep an eye out for hazards, whether you're on the golf course, in your boat, or driving your snowmobile.

Read more: Off The Job Safety

Other Resources

Computer Workstation Assessment

This assessment form will assist you in determining issues with current workstation and computer placements for employees.