Toolbox Talks

Safety Meeting Toolbox Topics and Tailgate Talks

Drive Now, Talk Later

The use of the cell phone, while the vehicle is in motion, significantly increases the chances that the driver will be involved in an accident.

Read more: Drive Now, Talk Later

Decision Driving

When you drive, are you aware of what's going on all around you? Do you anticipate what the driver in front, to the side, or behind you may do? Do you see all the potential hazards and plan how you will react to them? Always? Or, like most of us, only sometimes?

Read more: Decision Driving

Computer Workstation Ergonomics

Cumulative trauma disorders refer to wear and tear on the musculoskeletal system. Common CTDs include carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis and lower back disorders. Pain, swelling, inflammation, burning and stiffness are often associated with CTDs, or they may lead to a CTD.

Read more: Computer Workstation Ergonomics

Other Resources

Computer Positioning Tips

Tip sheet on how to properly position yourself and your computer workstation to reduce injuries and fatigue