Toolbox Talks

Safety Meeting Toolbox Topics and Tailgate Talks


You can tell how safe a work area is just by looking at the housekeeping. A work area that looks fairly neat and clean, with unused equipment, tools, and materials stored in its proper place is usually a safe work area. An we all know that a safe work area is an efficient and productive work area.

Read more: Housekeeping

Bee Stings

Nearly everyone has been stung by a bee sometime in his/her life. For most people, it's a temporary experience involving pain and itching. Only a very limited portion of the population is allergic or hypersensitive to bee or wasp stings – one or two people out of 1,000.

Read more: Bee Stings

Asbestos Awareness

Just 50 years ago, asbestos was known as the "magic mineral". It's amazingly strong and fireproof, which is why it was used in thousands of different products. All kinds of building materials, automobile parts such as brake linings and clutch pads, insulation, and mastics were comprised of asbestos and other materials.

Read more: Asbestos Awareness

Other Resources

What Is Eye Safety?

Descriptions of various types of eye protection--glasses, goggles, and face shields--and recommendations for using and caring for the equipment.