Toolbox Talks

Safety Meeting Toolbox Topics and Tailgate Talks

Pre-Planning For Safe Crane Operation

Pre-shift crane inspections and thoroughly pre-planned lifts are essential for job-site safety. Neglecting to properly inspect a crane before a shift can result in failure of the equipment. This may cause damage to the machinery, injury to workers on the scene or even death.

Read more: Pre-Planning For Safe Crane Operation


The difference types of machinery in the workplace do their work by means of energy – electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, or pneumatic, etc. Releasing this energy makes the machines run, which is very useful, but not if the energy is released at the wrong time or if you are in the way.

Read more: Lockout/Tagout

Lockout Tagout

Anyone who operates, cleans, services, adjusts and repairs machinery or equipment should be aware of the hazards associated with that machinery. Locking or tagging out is required whenever an employee is required to remove or bypass a guard or safety device or when an employee places a part of their body into an area that would be a danger zone during a machine operation cycle.

Read more: Lockout Tagout

Other Resources

Computer Set-up Checklist

Checklist to assist in the setting up of computer workstations to avoid MSD and other ergonomic injuries.