Toolbox Talks

Safety Meeting Toolbox Topics and Tailgate Talks

Personal Fall Protection Systems

Often you may be required to work at elevated levels that are not protected by handrails or safety nets. When working in these areas, wear a personal fall protection device. Also wear a personal fall protection device when you're working on a float or scaffold or on suspended scaffolds having only one or two suspension points.

Read more: Personal Fall Protection Systems


Guardrails protect you from falls that can seriously injure or even kill. The amount of protection guardrails provide depends on how they are constructed and maintained. Most guardrails are built of strong materials and are usually solid when first put up. As time goes by, however, guardrails are often abused, weakened, broken, or moved and not replaced.

Read more: Guardrails

Lightning Safety

Lightning kills approximately 100 people every year in the United States. It injures hundreds of others, and causes billions of dollars in properly damage. According to the National Lightning Safety Institute, lightning is the #2 storm killer in the U.S. Only floods kill more people.

Read more: Lightning Safety

Other Resources

Computer Set-up Checklist

Checklist to assist in the setting up of computer workstations to avoid MSD and other ergonomic injuries.