Toolbox Talks

Safety Meeting Toolbox Topics and Tailgate Talks

Working in Cold Weather

Prolonged exposure to cold, wet and windy conditions, even when the temperatures are above freezing, can be dangerous. Extreme cold conditions exist when the equivalent (wind) chill temperature is at or below -25° F (-32 °C).

Read more: Working in Cold Weather

It Is Hot!

Heat exhaustion can occur when you are subjected to hot environments and fail to take in enough fluids, salts, or both. And even worse, this can lead to a life threatening condition known as a heat stroke. Sun stroke or heat stroke happens when the body's internal mechanism fails to regulate its core temperature.

Read more: It Is Hot!

Heat Stress

Statistics show a rise in temperature can affect workplaces in a negative way. The increased number of injuries and illnesses that crop up during the spring and summer seasons reflects this fact. Heat stress or hyperthermia symptoms can range from minor illnesses to fatalities if the victim does not seek or get relief quickly.

Read more: Heat Stress

Other Resources

What Is Manual Materials Handling

Information on preventing back injuries and analyzing the work task to make choices on the best way to solve materials handling problems. Guidelines for selection and use of mechanical lifting devices.