Toolbox Talks

Safety Meeting Toolbox Topics and Tailgate Talks

Hand Safety

It might surprise you to know that hand injuries account for one third of the two million disabling on-the-job accidents which occur each year. Most of these hand injuries are caused by pinch points--80 per cent of them, in fact.

Read more: Hand Safety

Excavation and Trenching

Excavation and trenching cave-ins result in more than 100 fatalities annually in the United States. Too often an improperly protected trench or excavation wall will collapse, trapping workers. These accidents can be eliminated if we follow proper excavation and trenching procedures.

Read more: Excavation and Trenching

Construction Clothing

There's one industry where today's fashions just don't make it. That's construction. Fancy duds are likely to get caught or snagged and cause you to fall or get hurt in some other way. Your clothing should not only be appropriate, but rugged enough to stand up to the use it'll get.

Read more: Construction Clothing

Other Resources

What Is Personal Protective Equipment?

Suggestions for selecting personal protective equipment. Describes various types of PPE.