Toolbox Talks

Safety Meeting Toolbox Topics and Tailgate Talks

Basic Hand Tool Safety

If power tools are underrated as a source of potential danger, hand tools are even more so. They might look harmless, but they are the source of many injuries. In fact, an estimated 8% of all workplace compensable injuries are caused by hand tool accidents. These injuries can be serious, including loss of fingers or eyesight.

Read more: Basic Hand Tool Safety

The Utility Knife

Many workplace injuries occur from the improper use of a common workplace tool known as the utility knife. Employees use utility knives to cut open boxes, tear away shrink-wrap from packages, cut drywall, and open bags. They are located in about every facet of the work environment, including construction, industry, restaurants and shipping departments.

Read more: The Utility Knife

Hand Tool Safety

One of the key issues associated with hand tool safety is choosing and using the right tool. Unfortunately, many people use tools improperly at home, where they improvise with what they have on hand. Also, many people view hand tools as simple to use, so there is little concern for safety. In reality, a person using hand tools, no matter what they are, should always follow safety precautions.

Read more: Hand Tool Safety

Other Resources

What Are Flammable Liquids?

Recommendations for a flammable liquids safety program. Includes inventory control, storage, and training.