Toolbox Talks

Safety Meeting Toolbox Topics and Tailgate Talks

Give Us Your Ideas

Safety is important to the space program and even more important right here where we work. Nothing less than the future of your family is at stake. They are counting on you to provide food and shelter, and an on-the-job accident could very easily disable you and leave security and future plans up in the air.

Read more: Give Us Your Ideas

Don't Gamble on Excavations

For years the word 'GAMBLE' was associated with construction excavations. By gambling on unknown soil conditions, ground water, adjacent structures, steep banks, etc., the job could move faster with less cost and less backfill.

Read more: Don't Gamble on Excavations

Floor Loads

Overloading of floors usually occurs when new equipment of machinery is purchased or when heavy loads of unequal weight distribution are being stored. Heavy truck traffic is another common overload hazard.

Read more: Floor Loads

Other Resources

What Are Electric Power Tools?

Guidelines for inspecting and using electric power tools such as drills, grinders, sanders, and saws. Information on preventing electric shock, including the care of power cords.